Custom Wedding Cakes


Step 1:Dream it

Do you have an idea what you want your wedding cake to look like? If not, start researching! There are tons of photos online you can look at. You can also look at some of the weddings I’ve done in the past below.

Save the pictures for reference later on!

Step 2: Set up a tasting

This step is optional but recommended!

Set up a tasting appointment to discuss all of the details: cake design, number of servings, flavors, fillings, toppers, delivery and size options. 

Step 3: Fill out the form down below!

We'd love to help if you have any questions, or if you would like an online quote, please email your cake design idea, along with the number of servings you would prefer.


Flavor options

If you prefer, we offer multiple flavors throughout your wedding cake tiers, which provides your guests with a variety of choices, at no additional charge.

We can provide dessert bar options as well - mini & large cupcakes, cheesecake bites, brownies, chocolate covered strawberries, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies and more.

Serving sheet cakes that aren't displayed, but supplement your serving amount, have two layers of cake inside and one layer of filling.


Browse my previous weddings


Wedding Tasting

Click here to start planning!